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Tuesday, May 02, 2006

So bad, they're bad

The StudioFilmClub prides itself (one would imagine) on showing films that aren't only a bit left of centre, but are good, too. Yet what if there were a film club devoted to showing bad films?

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Nick and Joe's Bad Film Club, of Cardiff, Wales. With screenings once a month, the Bad Film Club "is an exciting new venture that aims to combine live action with celluloid. Working on the premise that nothing is better than watching a bad film with friends, however, Nicko and Joe aim to bring you the best in bad movies along with a live DVD-style commentary from the stage."

And in today's UK Guardian, comedian Stewart Lee ponders the question: just what makes a bad film, well, bad?

Which leads me to ask, dear StudioFilmClubbers, if you were able to choose a bad film to show at SFC--with the exception of the obvious Showgirls--what would it be and why?


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