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Wednesday, August 05, 2009

This week at SFC:Klute & A Letter to Jane






Thursday August 6th

Letter to Jane starts 7:30 - Klute 8:30

All our screenings are FREE ones

This weeks synoposis is by Hilton Als who is to be our guest selector for the upcoming T&T Film Festival 2009

Klute (Alan Pakula/USA/1971/114')

Jane Fonda won an Oscar for her portrayal of call girl Bree Daniels in 1971's Klute. Smart but defensive, controlling and lonely, Bree is being hunted by a former client who wants her to disappear--permanently. And Bree's pretty much on her own until a private investigator named John Klute (Donald Sutherland, father of 24's Keifer Sutherland) comes into her life. Klute's a decent man, new to the world of sex and drugs that Bree introduces him to. And while he's ostensibly in search of a killer, Klute's sense of justice becomes clouded by his eventual love for Bree, the ultimate femme fatale--and actress. With this film, Jane Fonda cast off her iconic Barbarella status and became the personification of the modern woman. Her famous Klute haircut is still a powerful fashion statement--and inspiration.
Hilton Als 2009

A Letter to Jane (Jean-Luc Godard + Jean-Pierre Gorin/France/1972/52')

In 1972, after filming "Tout Va Bien" (Everything's All Right) starring Jane Fonda and Yves Montand, the brilliant French flmmaker, Jean-Luc Godard, and his then frequent collaborator, Jean-Pierre Gorin, came across a photograph of Jane Fonda in a magazine. It showed the activst actress in conversation wth some North Vietnamese. Annoyed by Fonda's celebrity and her politics, the two filmmakers--who more or less constituted Dziga Vertov, the filmmaking collective named after the Russan avant-garde filmmaker--produced a movie they originally titled, "Inquiry Into A Still." The "action" of the hour long "Letter to Jane," ends up being Godard and Gorin's voice over narration, wherein the unseen authors produce a scathing film-essay about the nature of celebrity, liberalism, and looking, while indirectly revealing their own complicated, and sometimes thwarted, view of women.
Hilton Als 2009


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